VISHNEVSKY liniment 25g

Composition of 100g: Active substance: tar 3.0g, xeroform 3.0g. Excipient: aero forces 5.0g, castor oil 89g.
Pharmacological properties: provides anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and topical-irritating effects. Has astringent, drying, antiseptic properties. Promotes the process of regeneration of tissues.
Indications: abscesses, furunculus, lymphadenites, burns, frostbites, thrombophlebitises, decubituses. Contraindications and side-effects:hypersensibility to preparation components. Allergic reactions are possible. Directions for use: for external use. Apply a thin layer to the affected area and affix 5-6 layers dressing with a thin layer of the liniment.
Storage: keep out of the reach of children, in a cool, dark place.
Shelf-life: 5 years.

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