Composition of 100 ml: 0,02kg of valerian roots, 0,07l of ethyl alcohol, purified water to 100ml.
Pharmacological properties: tincture of valerian reduces excitability of TsNS, strengthens the effect of hypnotic drugs, has spazmolitic property.
Indications: in complex therapy as a sedative at nervous excitement, sleeplessness, neuro circulator dystonia, tachycardia, spasms of gastrointestinal path, frequently used in combination with other tranquilizers and heart preparations.
Contraindications: increased individual sensitivity to the preparation.
Directions for use and dosage: for adults 20-30 drops after meals 3-4 times a day, for children - the quantity of drops corresponds to the child age.
Storage: Keep at a temperature of 15-25°C, in protected from light and a place, inaccessible to children. Not to apply a preparation after the termination of the expiration date specified on packing.
Shelf-life: 3 years.
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