Ingalipt Vialline spray 45ml

Ingalipt Vialine Spray is a combined product based on the universal antiseptic chlorhexidine and essential oils of eucalyptus and peppermint in a form suitable for use. The ingredients combine antiseptic, bactericidal and deodorizing properties and provide a fresh and clean-breathing effect. Ingredients: purified water, chlorhexidine bigluconate, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, glycerin. Chlorhexidine bigluconate is an antiseptic agent active against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It reduces the number of microorganisms in the oral cavity. Eucalyptus oil due to the high content of phytoncides has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory activity, contains tannins. Peppermint oil has a bactericidal effect, helps suppress the body's immune system of viruses and other pathogens. It is a natural antiseptic, has a strong refreshing effect. Features: The small size of the particles produced by spraying the spray results in a high degree of penetration into pockets, cavities and other hard-to-reach places in the mouth. The bottle is hermetically sealed. Means is not contaminated from the outside, does not dry out and is protected from moisture; compact packaging allows you to carry a spray with you all the time. The sprayer dispenser allows precise application and dosing. How to use: It is used in the form of irrigation of the oral mucosa 2-3 times a day after eating or in between meals. To use, you need to direct the nozzle of the sprayer to the oral cavity and press the head of the sprayer. At the moment of injection, it is recommended to hold your breath. It is preferable not to eat or drink for 20-30 minutes. Do not allow the product to get into the eyes. If this happens, the eyes should be rinsed with large amounts of water. Precautions: Do not use if you are hypersensitive to the ingredients in the composition. Do not swallow, keep away from children! Storage conditions: at temperatures not lower than 5 ° C and not higher than 25 ° C in a place protected from direct sunlight and out of reach of children. Form release: spray for topical use in 45 ml vials. Each bottle together with the insert sheet is placed in a cardboard packaging. Expiration date: 36 months from the date of manufacture. Manufacturer:/Organization accepting claims from consumers: “Esco-Pharm” LLC, Republic of Armenia, 0014, Yerevan, G. Nersisyan str. 10, ap. 24 Address of manufacture: Republic of Armenia, 0079, Yerevan. Mikoyan 13, phone: +374 10 67 39 03

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